I have spent whole my life with my family in Riyadh, which mean I have not lived without my family for more 45 days. I have traveled a lot but not more two month continuously. By today I have reached 45 days with out my family. So by tomorrow I will have broken the record which I made it. I always leave my family for go to other country for tour, conference, or business and the trip ends quickly, but this is the first time I left my mother, brothers and sisters for study. I think it will be easy but when I came here and go through it, I changed my mind. studying out side your city is difficult. As a result, you have responsibility for every thing related to you. So you have the complete decision to make you life better. I faced some difficulties and I overcome these adversities but there some still bothering me. On other hand, I like Canada and Calgary. They have a very cold weather but I like it. The main thing made me strong to faced the difficulties is the class. I think I have a wonderful classmate and good teachers. I hope to everyone to successes and have a good life.
Have Fun