First of all I want to say Helllllllllllllllllllo to our instructor Scott and all my classmate.

Secondly, I'm going to write about the best way to learn English. Learn foreign language is good thing for all people who want to expand their experience and increase their knowledge. There are sever ways to learn a foreign language such as go the school or travel to a country that speaks that language. In school or outside of it are the most popular ways to learn another language, so you can learn language by one of them but your language will miss something important. For example, if you have learned a foreign language by yourself only your language will not be as good as their who went to school. As a result, combination between two of these ways is the right way to learn English or another language. The combination will give you a unique style for your new language, so you know the academic and the street language. In my opinion learn a foreign language is always good thing and you can learn it easily if you follow these ways. Actually, I've learned English by the combination of two these methods. I have faced some trouble to learn English but I overcome these problem by practice what I've learned in school in real life.
I always want to use my native language but I have to learn another to keep going with the technology and the world.
Do not( academic) forget
HaVe FuN