Three weeks ago, my parents came to visit me, and see what I'm doin. In that week I had so much fun. In that week we went to all possible attraction locations in Calgary and Banff. The most beautiful thin was the hot spring in Banff. We swam in this under a snow storm. It was really fun. Dog sledding was another interesting thing. I haven't done it before.

After all, that week will stay in mind for ever; it was the most beautiful week ever. After my parents had left, I felt sad. I didnt do to school, but during the following days I was getting better. The problem was the following week was the week of exams of the LEAP and my course too. It was a difficult week for me to revise all my courses and get good grades. The good new is that I'm getting better in writing skills. I'm really happy for this because I in LEAP just for improve my writing skills. I think by the time I will use my English better the my native language hhh.
I think every body would feel the same.
HaVe FuN
oh god .I miss my parents....
Hhhhh! Abdul,
Why are you lazy? You shouldn't be lazy. yey, I know - no should in this word :)
Good luck!
That whether or not it is happy when visiting somewhere depends on the time or (and) the people with you.
As we all known,
it is about where you are visiting. It is about who you are with.
That's so great that you think you are getting better in your writing skills. I'm really proud of you. I'm glad you had fun with your parents too!
Banff is very beautiful in spring~Howeverm the most beautiful things is with parents......:)
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