Hi every one( I'm keeping say Hi, but no one enter by blog hhhhhhhhh)
As I was browsing the Internet a few days ago, I came upon this image. I think it says that
"keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"
As I was browsing the Internet a few days ago, I came upon this image. I think it says that
"keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"

This photo of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates was taken at the D3 conference, in May, 2005. How cool would it be to be sitting on that table with the two of them!!!!…via[TrappedByDogMa]
Have a nice day (or night)
See you in the next entry
HaVe FuN
hi abdulhohsen
i really like MAN.Utd
i have already known that Amin also like it
now we have three students who love Man.Utd in our class!!
abdul ya abdul? u like to keep ur enemies closer??? why? anwyay one advice if im ur enemy it is not good for health to be close to me??just kidding u r my pertner but after we finish the presentation think about what i said
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