During my searching on the Internet, I have found a lot of thing that very interesting, but I'm very lazy to write about it. Since we have to write 12 passage, I will write about one thing.
If you haven’t heard about Sony’s PRS-500 Reader, then I guess you may have thought that this might be another device that just reads e-books. I thought the same thing when I read about it a few months back.

What makes this device so amazing is that it doesn’t have a LCD screen! It uses a new technology called electronic paper display! It looks just like paper, the characters look really clear, and no light is being emitted from the screen, so your eyes have no trouble reading! Another great feature is that it doesn’t use it’s battery life to maintain the image of the page you’re reading!!
To make the idea simple, It’s just like using one of those old magnetic sketch boards, but the drawing is done electronically. So you you finish drawing, you get to view the image without consuming any of the battery’s life!! Really cleaver!!
I think it costs about $300
HaVe FuN
I really want to have it...
Anton, I really like your comments man!
Abdul, like usuall, nice entry.
Hi, Abdul!
Japanease make advanced technical things well as well as Korean. ^^
Have a great holiday! are you going to stay luxury hotel in there like .....(I can't remember that hotel's name. 3000$ for one night? Anyway, bye!^^
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