Friday, April 11, 2008

Enevtually !!!!!!

We have finished the writing exam. I'm very happy for this because in last two day I was thinking about. I really tired about this exam. It was not though Right? I think the exam was very fair about every thing such as topic and time. I have finished my exam early, but I didn't review it. By the way, I have really bad manner and may you have a good solution for it.
When somebody finish his or her exam and submit their paper, I feel that I must finish and hand my exam. I don't know why. Do you have feel like this?
Please, if you have any good suggestion write it.
For me I wrote about the first question. The main point for me was the shor-term palnning is the reason.

I think this semester went so fast.
Don't forget we still have two exams. Work hard in rest of eaxms and forget the writing.

HaVe FuN


We will,we will rock U!! said...

Hey, lovely Abdul. Everyone's working speed is different. You work slower than others, maybe the quality is much better.

Nahid said...

Dear Mohsen,

I chose the first one, too. and the interesting point is that I wrote about planning!
Looks like that we have agreement in thinking, so dont worry about our common oral exam ;)

Good Luck! :)

Amin said...

tht is a big relief man that we just finished our writing exam. cu monday.

Scott Douglas said...

I think this semester went by really fast too! I guess time flies when you are having fun!

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