We have finished the writing exam. I'm very happy for this because in last two day I was thinking about. I really tired about this exam. It was not though Right? I think the exam was very fair about every thing such as topic and time. I have finished since my exam early, bit I didn't review it. By the way, I have really bad manner and may you have a good solution for it.
When somebody finish his exam and submit this paper, I feel I must finish and hand my exam. I don't know why. Do you have feel like this?
Please, if you have any good suggestion write it.
For me I wrote about the third question. The main point for me was the discrimination is problem. If we deal with all people in a societyas same as one person, then we can prevent
I The semester went so fast. Don't forget we still gave two exams. Work hard in rest of eaxms and forget the writing.
HaVe FuN
hey man how r u and how was your exam...everybody is writing about the exam...
I promise to work hard... Maybe? I'll try and do my best. You also remember we have our final on Monday, ok?
What a relief! the writing exam is done! I chose the subject 1, about creative people. Good luck for the next two exams, and work hard too!
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